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Online, especially on Twitter, there are debates over whether or not creaming is a legitimate bodily reaction (it is!) or whether it’s something the person producing the cream should get checked out by a physician (possibly!). You could argue it has become the ultimate signifier of mind-blowing sex, especially within Black gay porn. And with the rise of direct-to-consumer platforms like OnlyFans and JustForFans, creaming appears to be more popular. I spoke with both a proctologist about the science behind creaming and performers (who all chose to be identified by their stage names) about the trend and the lengths that some of them have seen others go to in order to make themselves appear to be natural creamers. “I noticed that it was just common whenever I had sex,” another performer named Phatrabbitkiller told me. ( Here’s what his stage name means if you’re curious.) “Again, was my only reference so I didn't really know that this was some kind of anomaly,” he said.

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